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Data processing and protection policy

As a candidate, your integrity is our highest importance. reLean  matches candidates to assign-ments for our clients and in doing so, we require certain data to ensure best possible match for you and for our clients. We therefore require your consent allowing us to store and process personal data that you share with us.

Should you wish to opt out from our data processing and protection policy, reLean are by law required to permanently remove you and your data from our system. We will then, however, not be able to supply you with any more oppor-tunities of assignments.

The typical data we may come to process include, but are not limited to, email, telephone number, address, personal registration number, company organisation number, work experience, educational back-ground, grades, CV photo, certificates, CV and personal letter, interview summaries, test results and referrals.

reLean may come to use this data for several purposes such as find and match you towards potential assignments, contact you for potential assignments,  take referrals, invite you to reLean or client events that we think may be of value to you, contact you to follow up on your current status and availability, run generic statistics, process contracts, send newsletters from reLean, storage for above purposes and similar type of purposes.

reLean may come to share your data with our clients as part of the presentation of your profile for a matched assignment.

reLean may choose to store your data until you actively opt out. reLean may also choose to remove all your data from our system without you first opting out in case of longer spells of inactivity. reLean may also come to update the Data processing and protection policy from times to ensure we are relevant with prevailing legislation and business acumen.

reLean have taken the necessary structural and organisational measures to ensure we protect your data from loss, manipulation or unauthorised access and will continue to do what is needed to ensure the ongoing protection of this data.

All data is physically stored within EU, but may from times to times be transferred for processing in a country outside of EU in which case the transfer and processing of data shall still be aligned to prevailing legislation.

You have the right to request reLean to provide you a transcript of the data we store for you. Should the information be wrong, incomplete or irrelevant, you may ask to have them corrected or removed. You also have the right to have all your data removed.

You have the right to be informed, right of access, right to rectification, right to erasure/to be forgotten, right to restrict processing, right to data portability, right to object and rights in relation to automated decision making. reLean may have up to one month to process your request. If any legal requirement implies that reLean hold certain elements of this data however, that particular data may still be stored post an erasure request with your knowledge for as long as required by the legal requirement.

Some of these rights may be limited to certain circum-stances and we may not always be able to process your request.

We will inform you if we plan to use your data for direct marketing by ourselves or through any third party. You can use your right to object such usage of your data for direct marketing purpose.

If you are unsatisfied with reLean’s way of handling your data or wish to make a complaint on how we handled your request, please contact and we will do our utmost to handle the concern. You may also provide the complaint to Dataskyddsinspektionen at

reLean is responsible for your data. You can contact us in any matters related to your data at

© 2017-20 by reLean

about GDPR

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